Macron: Erdogan is igniting war in the entire region

 French President Emmanuel Macron attacked the Turkish intervention in the raging conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia and its support for Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region with weapons, logistical support and mercenaries, thus reiterating France's position rejecting Turkish interventions, which are considered an international method of bullying, according to the French understanding.

Macron stressed the need to discuss with Russian President Vladimir Putin today and with US Donald Trump tomorrow the Nagorno Karabakh issue.   France condemned Turkey's "encouraging war" position in Nagorno-Karabakh, and its failure to resort to neutrality or calm between the two parties, as Russia did.

Macron said Turkey's pro-Azerbaijan stances are reckless and dangerous.  Macron asserted that Turkey's warlike rhetoric encourages Azerbaijan to use force, which means more violence and victims.

The French president traditionally sees himself as a regime power in the Mediterranean, and from the Parisian point of view, Turkey's "Ottoman behavior" and Erdogan's aggressive rhetoric have angered Macron to the extreme.

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