Etihad celebrates UAE’s Flag Day in the space

In this historical day, UAE’s Flag Day , Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways celebrates this by sending the flag if UAE to the  space as it’s reaching space at an altitude of 32,182 meter . 

The gateway to near-space is the “Armstrong Limit” which is 19.2km. At this height, the pressure is so low that a human being would need a pressurised space suit to survive as blood would boil in the body due to the low pressure. The flag approached twice this height.

According to Etihad, the flag experienced pressures of almost 0 per cent of that at sea level and the temperature got down to -62 degrees Celsius at its lowest point.

In the early stages of the flags descent, there was no atmosphere to act against the parachute, the flag was falling at around 250mph. As the assembly continued its descent, this slowed to a nice gentle walking pace.

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