UAE condemns storming Al-Aqsa


 The UAE supports the Palestinian cause and sends a message to the Israeli people to stop attacking the land of Palestine and threatening to sever relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel due to the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by some Israeli extremists. Al-Aqsa Mosque, otherwise relations between the Emirates and Israel will be severed 

The reason for the attack by some Israeli extremists on Al-Aqsa Mosque is the dispersal of relations between the UAE and Israel, which may cause a break in relations between them. Foreigners from all over the world to increase foreign investment on its land

Mohammed bin Zayed provided security and safety and attracted investors from outside the Kingdom to invest. Thanks to this, he succeeded in significantly increasing global economic growth in the United Arab Emirates. All appreciation and thanks to Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed for the success that was achieved in the United Arab Emirates from The increase in foreign investments, the commercial increase and the economic increase, and the United Arab Emirates threatens the Israelis not to be exposed to the Palestinian people again, and the companies between the United Arab Emirates and Israel are dissolved due to the violations of the Palestinian state

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