Mohammed bin Rashid encourages members of the Children's Parliament to acquire dialogue skills

Mohamed Ben Rached

 His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, met with members of the UAE Child Parliament, on the sidelines of His Highness's inauguration of the fourth regular session of the 17th legislative term of the Federal National Council at the Council's headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

His Majesty While His Highness was inaugurating the Federal National Council's fourth regular session of the 17th legislative term at the Council's headquarters in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, met with members of the UAE Child Parliament.

His Highness was keen to engage with the children participating in the third session of the UAE Parliament for the Child, devoted to discussing the issue of children's mental health, encouraging them to benefit from this experience in acquiring constructive dialogue skills and learning how to debate on the basis of respect for the other's opinion and trying to persuade using argument and building Their strong personality, which enables them to engage in discussions aimed at achieving their interest, to raise individuals who are beneficial to themselves and their society, calling on them to pay attention to educational attainment, which represents the basis for building a person's personality and the most important elements of his success and excellence.

His Highness was eager to interact with the children taking part in the third session of the UAE Parliament for the Child, which was focused on discussing the topic of children's mental health. He urged them to take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to engage in productive dialogue, how to debate on the basis of respect for the other person's opinion, how to persuade using argument, and how to develop a strong personality that allows them to engage in discussions aimed at improving children's mental health.

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