Sharjah Police chief honours scholars of ‘Police Sciences’

Sharjah Police chief

 Sharjah Police chief honours scholars of ‘Police Sciences’

Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, Vice Chairman of the Council of the Academy of Police Sciences in Sharjah, honoured the winners of the three individual, joint and institutional categories of the Academy of Police Sciences Award for Scientific Research in its fourth session, during the honoring ceremony held at the Academy’s headquarters in Sharjah, in the presence of Counselor Sultan Bin Butti Al Muhairi, Member of the Academy Council, Brigadier General Abdullah Mubarak Bin Amer, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Brigadier Ghanem Khamis Al-Houli, Deputy Commander of the Emiri Guard, and Brigadier Dr. Muhammad Khamis Al Othmani, Director General of the Academy, and a number of senior officers at the Sharjah Police General Command, and heads of universities and educational institutions in the country.

Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi stressed that the Academy of Police Sciences Award aims to establish a culture of pioneering and creative scientific research, and enhance its value by establishing a special award for scientific research that encourages Emirati and Arab researchers, motivates them to further excellence, giving, and scientific competition, and supports the government’s efforts in achieving the goals of the national agenda.

For the UAE Vision 2031 and the UAE Centennial 2071, it also reflects the directions of the Sharjah Police General Command and the Academy and their approach to research work based on future planning, proactive thinking, and innovating the best solutions and practices, indicating that the launch of the award would direct security and legal studies towards serving the community in accordance with national needs. It would also enhance the scientific and academic competencies and latent experiences of researchers in security institutions, universities, study centres, etc., and find innovative and sustainable solutions to many of the current security and social challenges.

5 new countries: On his part, Brigadier General Dr. Muhammad Khamis Al Othmani, Director General of the Academy, said in his speech during the honouring ceremony: “The successes achieved by the award during its journey came first thanks to and success from God Almighty and then with the guidance and support of His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah.

“May God protect him, the patron of science and scholars with the keenest vision and forward-looking outlook. The Academy Council, represented by Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah, Chairman of the Academy Council, decided to launch an award for scientific research, in which the Academy stimulates creativity and excellence in the field.”

The fourth session of the Scientific Research Award witnessed the participation of 5 new Arab and foreign countries, represented by Bahrain, Qatar, Morocco, Mexico and Australia, out of a total of 17 participating countries, which resulted in 83 applicable scientific research works. The award constitutes a valuable added in terms of the quality of the participating research, which followed the scientific method in the field of scientific research, and the screening stage resulted in 11 research works being promoted to the podium to choose the top 3 winners from each of the three categories.

Applied projects: Al-Othmani stressed that the Scientific Research Award, through its four sessions, passed through stages of development and growth, and its specialisations and fields expanded to include everything that is innovative and modern, and its geographical scope expanded to include in the fourth session the entire world, as the Academy in this session was not limited to theoretical research, but rather included a basic condition.

These are the applied projects proposed for each study, which are presented to the police leadership in the country, so that they can be used to enrich the security library and in developing educational courses in the various Academy programmes in the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programmes.

The Academy held a number of workshops inside and outside the Emirates to introduce the award, which led to the spread of the award.

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