Turkey insists on its aggressive behavior towards most countries of the world

The Turkish regime insists on its aggressive behavior towards most countries of the world by obstructing agreements and igniting the war.

The newspaper pointed out, in its editorial today, Wednesday, under the title "Who Runs the Karabakh War?" To the events taking place between Armenia and Azerbaijan and Turkey's role in them, which are working to obstruct all the armistice agreements that were agreed upon, because they are the ones that ignited the war and lit its fire.

It is no longer a secret that the one who controls the decision of war and peace in the raging military confrontations between Armenia and Azerbaijan is Turkey, which believes that the war is its war in the first place, so it obstructs all the armistice agreements that have been agreed upon, including the humanitarian truce for the exchange of wounded and dead, and not targeting civilians.

She pointed out that because Turkey is the one who ignited the fuse of the war, lit its fire with its mercenaries, prepared it for joint military maneuvers with Baku, and sent its generals and soldiers to participate in planning, mobilization and fighting, it is the one who decides that there is no armistice, dialogue, or negotiations, and the war will go to the end, despite Risks arising from such behavior, which could spark a regional war beyond the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

We are facing a rogue state that does not abide by resolutions or covenants, and ignores the calls issued by the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations, and its Secretary-General Guterres, as well as the calls of global capitals to stop the fighting and spare the innocent the dangers of war, and insists on adopting aggressive behavior towards its neighbors in Syria and Iraq, and in The eastern and southern Mediterranean are in Libya, and it is opening a new front in the southern Caucasus. "


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