UAE helps Yemen by sending 75 tonnes of food

UAE healthcare group is continuing in its help to underprivileged families in Yemen and send 75 tonnes of food to them  as There’s more than 1500 underprivileged need help in Yemen, that’s why UAE is sending for around 360,000 meals. 

External volunteers distributed the ration kits in remote communities of Hadramout region near Seiyun International Airport. In these communities, Yemenis continue to suffer due to food insecurity, malnutrition, healthcare gaps, lockdown impact of the Covid-19 crisis and a recent flash flood.

The food items were procured locally with the help of funds donated by Aster employees and with a matching donation from Aster DM Healthcare.

Dr Azad Moopen, founder-chairman and managing director of Aster DM Healthcare, said: “Yemen continues to suffer from years of civil war, which has resulted in huge devastation… Unfortunately, it has led to loss of life of civilians through conflict, starvation and death. In fact, Yemen is on the brink of one of the worst famines in history, affecting millions, including children.

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