The UAE is the first in the region to open new hotel projects

The United Arab Emirates will open about 15 hotels this October

The United Arab Emirates will open about 15 hotels this October which is a great new success for UAE As it ranks first regionally and third globally for the most open hotel projects after the United States and China!According to a report by Top Hotel Projects

UAE ranked the first Arab country, 3rd among 27 emerging global economies, and 23rd globally among 123 countries in the Future Readiness Index report, issued by the Portulans Institute in partnership with Google.

The report aims to provide countries with a valuable tool to measure their future readiness, and serve as a guide to their strategy choices and policy decisions.

Results of the Future Readiness Index were announced during a virtual session titled “Innovative Tools to Improve a Digital Future”, held as part of the 11th edition of the Concordia Annual Summit 2021.

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