UAE proves its global position in the space sector

UAE’s new mission to the space

The announcement by the United Arab Emirates of launching a new space mission to explore the planet Venus and the asteroid belt in the solar system, shows  the global position the UAE has reached and the achievements it has made in the field of scientific research and space science as it achieves success in space field as it aims to accelerate the development of innovation and knowledge-based enterprises in the Emirates 

The mission will travel a total of 2.2 billion miles (3.6 billion kilometers) and come within 67 million miles (109 million kilometers) of the sun during its flyby of Venus, which will require the spacecraft to have thermal shielding to protect it from the intense heat.

As-yet unnamed, the mission will begin orbiting Venus in mid-2028 and closely orbit Earth in mid-2029. These orbits will provide the spacecraft with the gravity assists it needs in order to reach the main asteroid belt.

More details about the mission, including its specific science goals and the instruments on the spacecraft, will be announced in 2022.

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