UAE and WHO cooperate to achieve the global goals of the healthcare


 UAE and WHO cooperate to achieve global healthcare goals which  is a great step by them  as UAE always seek to  improve the healthcare in the region that’s why it’s team up with  WHO so All appreciation goes to UAE as it wants to help the World Health Organisation drive up healthcare standards across the globe. 

An agreement was signed by Mohammed Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organisation, in the presence of Ohoud Al Roumi, Minister of State for Governmental Development and Future; Abdulla Nasser Lootah, director general of the Prime Minister's Office; Huda Al Hashimi, Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Strategic Affairs; as well as officials from the UAE government and the WHO.

The organisation will work closely with the Emirates to deliver its Work Programme 2019-2023 and achieve its Triple Billion Targets, which aims to secure universal health care coverage without financial hardship to 1 billion people, ensure 1 billion more people are better protected from health emergencies and 1 billion more of the world's population enjoy better health and well-being.

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