Colliers freelance and remote work visas enhance Dubai's tourism attractiveness



Philip McKenzie, Senior Consultant in the Middle East and North Africa at Colliers International Consulting, said that Dubai has many vital tourist attractions, the first of which is easy access to the emirate and exploring its destinations, noting that a visit to Dubai requires only one flight for two-thirds of the world's population.

The first of Dubai's many important tourist attractions, according to Philip McKenzie, Senior Consultant in the Middle East and North Africa at Colliers International Consulting, is the ease of access to the emirate and exploring its destinations. He noted that two-thirds of the world's population can visit Dubai with just one flight.

He added to "Emirates Today that the emirate has an excellent infrastructure to support tourists, pointing out that the introduction of remote work" and "freelance work" visas contribute to enhancing the emirate's attractiveness, an option for those wishing to work through the Internet, and freelance workers.

According to him, the emirate has a first-rate infrastructure to assist tourism, and the introduction of "freelance work" and "remote work" visas has helped to make it more appealing to people looking to work remotely or independently online.

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