62 new hotel establishments to open in Dubai in 12 months


 Data from the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai showed that the emirate witnessed the opening of more than 12.8 thousand new hotel rooms during the 12 months at the end of last August, among 62 new facilities, with an average rate of 5.16 new hotels each month.

According to information provided by the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai, a total of 12,826 new hotel rooms were established in Dubai during the course of the previous 12 months, from August 2021 to August of this year, at a rate of 1,068 new rooms per month.

The data, which Emirates obtained a copy of, indicated that the number of hotel rooms in Dubai at the end of August 2022 reached 142,215 hotel rooms, compared to 129,389 hotel rooms at the end of August 2021, with a growth rate of 10%. The hotel market witnessed In Dubai, 62 new facilities opened during the period between August 2021 and last August, with an average of 5.16 new hotels each month. The total number of hotel facilities increased to 977 facilities in August 2022 compared to 712 facilities at the end of August 2021, with a growth rate of 8.6%.

In Dubai, "four-star" hotel rooms accounted for 29% of all hotel rooms, with 41.2 thousand rooms, followed by the "five-star" luxury hotel rooms, which made up 34% of the overall hotel market. With a capacity of more than 26.3 thousand hotel rooms within 255 hotel facilities, hotels with star ratings between "three stars" and "one star" represented for nearly 19% of the total hotel market size.

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