The women's prison in Dubai is the best, and the men's prison is the first in the region and the 5th internationally



Major General Dr. Abdul Qudous Abdul Razzaq Al-Obaidli, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Excellence and Leadership Affairs, revealed that the women's prison in the punitive and correctional institutions of the Dubai Police received the best prison in the world, while the men's prison in the punitive and correctional institutions of the Dubai Police ranked 5th in the world and the first in the world. The level of the Middle East in terms of meeting the international standards set by the American reform organization ACA.

Major General Al-Obaidly explained that the correctional and penal institutions met 100% of the standards set by the American Correctional Organization, as they obtained the international accreditation certificate from the American Correctional Organization.

For his part, Major General Expert Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Criminal Investigation Affairs at Dubai Police, explained that rehabilitating inmates and giving them experiences contributed to their involvement in society and gave them an opportunity to start a new life, and indicated that inmates in penal and correctional institutions completed their university degrees and underwent courses that enabled some of them to manage Pioneering companies and projects.

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