The UAE continues to support Gaza...the start of Operation “Gallant Knight 3”


 The United Arab Emirates continues to provide its humanitarian duty towards the victims of the war in Gaza, affirming its adherence to its established principles, from the founding of the state until the present day.

Yesterday, Sunday, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, ordered the joint operations of the Ministry of Defense to begin the humanitarian “Galant Knight 3” operation, which aims to support the brotherly Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. His Highness the President also ordered the Joint Operations Command in the Ministry of Defense to begin comprehensive coordination and cooperation with the Emirates Red Crescent Authority, the Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation for Humanitarian Works, the Zayed Bin Sultan Foundation for Charitable and Humanitarian Works, and other institutions concerned with charitable and humanitarian work in the UAE. With the aim of providing humanitarian support to the Palestinian people inside Gaza.

His Highness also directed that the door to volunteering be opened to doctors registered with the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, volunteers registered with the Red Crescent, and all Emirati charitable and humanitarian institutions.

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