Turkey sought to establish a state for the Brotherhood in Libya threatening Arab national security

Turkey is striving to establish a state for the (Brotherhood) terrorist group and other terrorist organizations inside Libya, and it is considered an explicit threat to Arab national security.

From Qatar to Libya ... suspicious agreements that are not legitimate, when he gives those who do not possess to those who do not deserve, when Al-Sarraj entered into suspicious agreements, and he does not have the conclusion of these agreements, because he is not legitimate, and he allowed Turkey to control Libya, and commit crimes without supervision or accountability. And without prosecution, and without any Turkish soldier being pursued, in accordance with a suspicious military agreement that Al-Sarraj signed with Erdogan, this agreement allows the establishment of military and naval bases, and considering Libya as a mandate of Erdogan.

The international community stands unable to save Libya, fearing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may use terrorists and mercenaries to threaten countries that stand before his ambitions in Libya, stressing that the European position is still in a state of fluctuation against Erdogan, with the exception of the clear French position rejecting Turkish interference in Libya , Which also refuses to send Turkey arms to Libya, but Sarraj is trying to deceive France that he wants a political solution, and a military solution is not possible for him in Libya, which is contrary to reality; As Al-Sarraj continues to allow Turkey to prepare for the Battle of Sirte, and to drop more Libyan blood

The suspicious military agreement that Al-Sarraj signed with Erdogan, which protects Erdogan's mercenaries from accountability and prosecution, in addition to establishing military bases in Libya, is an explicit threat to Arab national security, which requires the Arab countries to exit from the stage of issuing statements condemning military intervention Turkish, to the stage of establishing a deterrent military force facing Turkey in Libya, instead of the Arabs waking up to a major calamity; Where Turkey dominates western and eastern Libya, and establishes a state for the terrorist (Muslim Brotherhood) and other terrorist organizations inside Libya.

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