France threatens to impose economic sanctions on Turkey

 France indicated, on Sunday, the possibility of imposing economic sanctions by the European Union on Turkey, denouncing its "aggressive Islamism" against Europeans.

The French Minister of State for European Affairs, Clémon Pyon, spoke about the possibility of imposing sanctions against some economic sectors in Turkey.

He added during an interview with the French radio "Europe 1", that all options are on the table, including individual sanctions.

He explained that there are some Turkish officials imposed against them European sanctions because of gas exploration in the disputed areas in the eastern Mediterranean.

"We gave Turkey a chance at the recent European summit, which gave small signs of calm ... and now it has chosen once again the path of systematic provocation and aggression," the French official said.

And he added, "We will certainly go further."

The French minister pointed out that for 10 or 15 years, Turkey was seen as an Eastern democracy, but it is not and it adopts an aggressive extremist culture in all fields, referring to what happened recently in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

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