Sharp European Union attack on Turkey in defense of Cyprus

 The European Union, on Monday, expressed its condemnation of Turkish actions that conflict with international legality in Cyprus.

The European Union confirmed its condemnation of the reopening of the Varosha resort in Cyprus, calling on Turkey to act responsibly. According to the "Al-Arabiya" network, in urgent news.

The European Union warned Turkey that the upcoming summit would take "appropriate" decisions regarding the eastern Mediterranean crisis.

On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his rejection of plans to unify Cyprus, calling for negotiations on the basis of two separate countries.

"Today, there are two separate peoples and two states on the island of Cyprus, and the two-state solution must be negotiated on the basis of equal sovereignty," the Turkish president said during his participation in the celebrations of the founding of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which only Ankara recognizes.

On Sunday, Turkish President Erdogan arrived in the breakaway northern Cyprus to meet its newly elected leader, Arsen Tatar, on an official visit at the invitation of Tatars and to discuss some regional issues.

Erdogan was to attend a "picnic" in the disputed Varosha sea front along the United Nations buffer zone that has divided the island since the Turkish invasion of the north in 1974.

For its part, the Cypriot presidency, on Sunday, reiterated its condemnation of the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to northern Cyprus and the city of Varosha, describing it as "a provocative and illegal behavior."

Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades said that Erdogan's visit to northern Cyprus and the city of Varosha represented an "unprecedented provocation."

He added that it "undermines the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General to call for an informal five-year dialogue" between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, Athens, Ankara, and London, the former colonial power on the island.

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