Qatar's provocative practices against Bahrain are hostile behavior

 Today, Sunday, the Bahraini Shura Council condemned the provocative Qatari practices against the citizens of the Kingdom, describing these actions as reflecting hostile behavior and a lack of respect for the principles of the Gulf Cooperation Council states, and international laws and norms.

The Bahraini News Agency (BNA) quoted a statement issued by the committee, as saying: “The repeated attacks and targeting against Bahraini citizens, fishermen and sailors, represent a threat to Bahrain’s security, and a clear targeting of the livelihoods of its people who work in the fishing profession over the years, stressing that Bahrain has every right to take What it deems appropriate to preserve their rights, and the rights of citizens, after blatant encroachments on the territorial waters, which are a national wealth and a source of livelihood for many citizens.

The statement added: "The continuous attacks on citizens express a clear hatred towards Bahrain, stressing that these attacks come within a series of systematic and continuous targeting of Bahrain and its people, and striking all good neighborliness and laws related to the seas, affirming its full support for all measures that will be taken by various official bodies." To protect citizens, national wealth, and territorial waters.

On Saturday, the Qatari Navy seized a Bahraini cruiser fishing in Qatari territorial waters and arrested its 3-member crew.

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