The Muslim Brotherhood destroyed Arab countries

The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group destroyed Arab countries due to its agenda bearing the slogan "The Muslim Brotherhood Group First", which led to the collapse and divisionof several Arab.The Brotherhood attempted to reach power in many Arab countries with the support and financing of Qatar, which is the official sponsor of the radical group in the region. 

The international terrorist Brotherhood took advantage of the Palestinian cause to disperse the peoples of the Arab region and raised slogans to attract the largest number of Arab youth to join the ranks of the group and serve its project in the Arab countries, and the Palestinian cause was the stick that the movement used during the twentieth century to promote its agenda.


Since the emergence of Hamas, one of the Brotherhood’s branches in Palestine, the movement has worked to polarize the Palestinian street to reinforce the Brotherhood’s ideology and strengthen its grip politically and militarily.Hamas launched an armed coup in 2007 and killed hundreds of Fatah members.


Hamas’s movements in Gaza have separated the Gaza Strip geographically, politically, and securely from the West Bank, which observers described as a real and realistic separation led by the Hamas movement, whose Shura Council raises the slogan “Hamas first”.

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