Here’s the Colombian official wants to become the UAE’s strategic partner in Latin America

 A new achievement by UAE as the whole world wants to be a partner with this great county, Flavia Santoro is The head of the Colombian Exports, Foreign Investment and Tourism Agency, confirmed that Expo 2020 Dubai is an important event for her country in order to establish long-term cooperation relations with UAE which is through Colombia participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, they said that they’re seeking to become a strong ally of the UAE, and we also want to achieve certain goals related to exports and investments! 

She stressed that the message they want to convey to the world is that Colombia is ready and we are here to tell the world that we are ready to meet the world in this important international event in which the countries of the world gather. It is the most important event in the world during the pandemic and I think that this event showed a great deal of responsibility and ability to foresee the future.

As we know The Colombian pavilion is scheduled to hold a forum next week with the participation of about 3,400 businessmen and more than 300 Colombian exporters to showcase Colombian products and services and promote all services offered by Colombia

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