UAE the main source of hope to the Arab youth


According to The Arab Youth Survey 2021 represents  the UAE as an ideal modern country with the right economic model of development as this result revealed Among 17 countries spanning the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Levant and North Africa,UAE is the most important Destination in the arab world for the youth as they find the peace, work and the good life there21 

What seems to have remained a constant feature in the survey done over more than a decade is that the Arab youth, who form 60 per cent of the population, have looked to the UAE as an ideal modern country with the right economic model of development. The UAE has also remained a favourite emigration destination for Arabs across the region. 

Internationally, there is the perception that in diplomatic terms, the youth see Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia as important players in the Arab world, though the United States remains the most important influence in the region. This is an important distinction because the Arab youth seem to be sending out a clear message that outside players, including the United States, have less to managing the internal affairs of the Arab region. This is a rising assertion of Arab identity, in political and cultural terms.

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