UAE supports Ethiopia with humanitarian aid


Here’s the the support provided by the UAE to refugees during the Ethiopian war in the Tigray region and the state aid provided to the African continent as UAE didn’t provide any military aid to Ethiopia as all flights are about humanitarian aid to its people 

‏"The UAE is working to support the humanitarian and development situation in Ethiopia's Tigray region, which is suffering from the impact of war and the spread of COVID-19," he added. Moreover, Al Rashedi underscored the UAE's commitment to a humanitarian approach that extends emergency relief to countries in need and the support of the UAE's leadership to the people of Ethiopia and other peoples of the world to overcome humanitarian crises.

‏The UAE has pledged AED 18.3 million (US$5 million) to support displaced people on the Ethiopian-Sudanese border in cooperation with the World Food Programme and other international organisations. Furthermore, it has sent six aircraft carrying nearly 300 metric tons of relief supplies through the International Humanitarian City in Dubai and its international partners.

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