UAE to plant 100 million mangroves by 2030


This is an amazing effort by Mariam Al Mheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, as she announces higher target after initial promise to plant 30 million mangroves The whole world must proud of UAE’s project to plant 30 million saline-tolerant trees by 2030, in its second Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement

"We aim to work closely with non-governmental organisations and the private sector to fulfil our commitment to safeguarding the sustainability of our mangrove forests.”Blue carbon is carbon captured by the oceans and coastal ecosystems, she said . 

Mangroves reduce carbon emissions and provide critical natural habitats for baby fish and other sea creatures.The trees also protect the UAE’s coasts from rising sea levels and storms. The Emirates is already home to 60 million mangroves that form forests spanning 183 square kilometres and capture 43,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.

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