“Education” discusses financing education and setting a common vision for its future

Education in the Emirates

 In preparation for the "Education Transformation" summit scheduled for New York in the United States in September of next year, the Ministry of Education of the UAE held discussions on learning and skills for life, work, sustainable development, and education financing with more than 100 participants from 25 ministries, federal and local authorities, regional and international organizations, and more.

Under the direction of the UAE's Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, the Ministry held the second round of national consultations yesterday at the Mohammed bin Rashid Library Theater in Dubai. The "Education Transformation" summit aims to create a shared vision for the future of education following the "Covid-19" pandemic and complete the stage. The first was essentially in June of last year.

The Ministry of Education organized the second phase of the national consultations for the UAE yesterday at the Mohammed bin Rashid Library Theater in Dubai, under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, and the "Education Transformation" summit aims to develop a common vision for the future of education after the "Covid-19" pandemic, to complete the stage The first was held in June of last year.

Additionally, this phase aims to assess global developments in the run-up to the World Summit on Transforming Education, as well as global results of national consultations and the results of the first phase of national consultations. It also discusses the axes of learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development, financing education, and reaching conclusions and recommendations on the five axes that the World Summit will focus on, so that it will be included.

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