The UAE renews its commitment to support the efforts of the African Union to resolve the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt regarding the exploitation of the Nile River.

AlNahda dam

"The UAE believes in the possibility of a successful conclusion of the negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and recognizes the valuable opportunity that this presents to support and accelerate regional integration while promoting cooperation and sustainable development in the region and beyond, and in the spirit of Finding African solutions to African challenges," the Permanent Mission of the UAE to the United Nations in New York said in a statement.

The UAE Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York stated in a statement, "The UAE believes in the possibility of a successful conclusion of the negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and recognizes the valuable opportunity that this presents to support and accelerate regional integration while promoting cooperation and sustainable development in the region and beyond, and in the spirit of Finding African solutions to African challenges."

The UAE noted that "taking into account the progress made through various initiatives undertaken in support of the African Union-led process, the UAE believes that the 2015 Declaration of Principles on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam remains an essential reference."

The 2015 Declaration of Principles on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the UAE said, "remains a crucial reference taking into account the progress made via different initiatives done in support of the African Union-led process."

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