Dubai receives 8.1 million international tourists in 7 months


 The Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai revealed the latest statistics on the performance of the tourism sector and the number of international visitors during the first seven months of this year, which showed Dubai's success in attracting 8.1 million international visitors between January and July 2022, compared to 2.85 million international visitors received by the city in The same
 period last year, an increase of more than 184.2%.

According to the data obtained by "Emirates Today", a copy of it, the number of hotel rooms in Dubai at the end of last July reached 141,000 hotel rooms within 774 hotel establishments, while international visitors recorded more than 21 million overnight stays, compared to 16.34 million overnights in the corresponding period, with a percentage of 29.3% growth.

In detail, data from the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai showed that the emirate received 8.1 million international tourists during the first seven months of this year, compared to about 2.85 million tourists in the same period last year, with a growth rate of 184.2%.

The data, which "Emirates Today" obtained a copy of, indicated that India was at the forefront of the exporting markets for international visitors to Dubai during the period between January and July 2022, registering more than 975,000 tourists, followed by the Sultanate of Oman with about 880,000 visitors, while the total The number of visitors from the Saudi market is about 678,000, and from the United Kingdom is 568,000.

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