The UAE adopts the “zero” climate neutrality decision for the aviation sector


 The UAE, represented by the General Civil Aviation Authority, has announced the adoption of a climate neutrality decision for the country's national aviation sector, to be the first aviation sector in the region to adopt a decision on its commitment to zero climate neutrality, and it is the first sector at the state level to achieve an integrated commitment to this direction.

The General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced the adoption of a climate neutrality decision for the nation's national aviation sector, making it the first aviation sector in the region to do so and the first state-level sector to achieve an integrated commitment to this direction.

UAE The aviation sector's climate neutrality team will then seek to create an integrated methodology and an action plan to begin putting the decision into practice and establish the pertinent priorities. Additionally, it will usher in a new stage of cooperation with the nation's team in preparation for hosting the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28). And include the aviation industry and its accomplishments in the schedule and agenda for the hosting.

He stressed that the decision comes in line with the leadership’s vision of setting the environmental sustainability agenda and the repercussions of climate change as a top priority, and an affirmation of the country’s seriousness and commitment to achieving progress in various major economic sectors, in order to reach the ambitious global goal on reducing carbon emissions, and in line with the goals and vision of the country to host « COP 28", which will represent a major station for developing economically innovative solutions to promote climate action.

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