Dubai builds the first floating mosque in the world



Today, the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai launched the religious tourism project in the emirate, which is concerned with implementing plans, programs and initiatives that serve “Islamic tourism”, expecting this project to contribute to increasing the number of tourists arriving annually to the emirate by 3%.

The department revealed a plan to build the first floating mosque in the world in Dubai, specifically in the water canal under the Tolerance Bridge. Its completion will be completed next year to serve as a unique religious architectural icon to attract tourists from home and abroad, whether Muslims or others, at a total cost of about 55 million. One million dirhams.

This came during a conference held by the department at its headquarters yesterday, chaired by Ahmed Khalfan Al Mansouri, Advisor for Cultural Communication, and Dr. Abdullah Abdul Jabbar, Senior Research Consultant, in the presence of Dr. Hamad bin Sheikh Ahmed Al Shaibani, Director General of the Department, Mohammed Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, Executive Director of the Mosque Affairs Sector, and Dr. Omar Mohammed Al Khatib. Executive Director of the Islamic Affairs Sector, Ahmed Khalfan Al Mansouri, Cultural Communication Advisor, Mohammed Musabih Dhahi, Executive Director of the Charitable Work Sector, and department directors.

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