The National Elections Commission organizes a simulation of Election Day



Today, the National Elections Commission organized a successful simulation of Election Day. With the aim of testing the efficiency of the various voting procedures and systems that will be used, whether in the early voting period that will take place over a period of three days, starting from the 4th of next October until the 6th of next October, or on the main voting day scheduled for October 7th, and training all workers in the election centers on various These procedures and systems.

The election day simulation process, which was organized over the course of a full day, included testing the efficiency of the procedures of the “remote voting” and “electronic voting” systems in the election centers, and also included testing the efficiency of all procedures and equipment for the voting process, by empowering the participants in the simulation process. From voting remotely via the smart application “Sharek”, through the voting link on the National Elections Commission’s website, and at the election center via the electronic voting system, all the way to counting the votes electronically and announcing the results.

The simulation process included examining the ease and safety of the procedures for the voting process, the levels of coordination between the various committees and work teams concerned with voting, and communication between the election centers distributed throughout the country with the National Elections Commission and its affiliated committees, in addition to testing the efficiency of the “electronic voting” system and "Remote voting", ensuring the readiness of the infrastructure of electoral and media centers and wired and wireless networks, and the availability of all electronic devices and technical support options throughout the voting process.

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