The UAE is the closest country to BRICS benefits



The summit aims to expand the influence of the bloc in line with the changes in the global scene and the shift in global politics. Among the most important files that will be discussed during the summit is the accession of many countries to the membership of the coalition, including the United Arab Emirates.

In this context, Raed Al-Khader, Head of Research and Senior Analyst at Equiti Group, said that joining the BRICS alliance is a strategic goal for the UAE, due to its adoption of a clearly proactive strategy aimed at increasing economic cooperation, integration and engagement in new economic alliances, which may constitute the front. new to the world.

With regard to the positive aspects associated with this accession, Al-Khidher believes that the UAE has always been proactive in engaging in partnerships and strategies that will result in more cooperation and economic integration that will occur between the BRICS countries, especially since the UAE already has a comprehensive economic partnership agreement between it and the UAE. India is a member of the alliance and also has close economic cooperation with other members of the alliance.

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