The UAE sends 25 tons of relief aid to the well-known brothers as part of the “Compassion for Gaza” campaign


This morning, the UAE sent a plane carrying 25 tons of various food, medical and relief aid to the city of Al-Arish in the Arab Republic of Egypt in preparation for its entry into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing in coordination with the United Nations World Food Programme.

 Sending aid comes within the framework of the ongoing “Compassion for Gaza” campaign, which the UAE launched last October to collect and mobilize relief packages to alleviate the severity of the humanitarian crisis facing the brotherly Palestinian people, especially the most vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And the Ministry of Community Development, in cooperation with the World Food Programme, with the participation of the Emirates Red Crescent Authority and a number of Emirati humanitarian and charitable institutions, volunteer centers and the private sector, with a large participation of volunteers and the media.

His Excellency Sultan Al Shamsi, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Development Affairs and International Organizations, confirmed that, in continuation of the humanitarian air bridge to relieve the Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip, an aid plane was sent this morning carrying various food, medical and relief supplies to be brought into the Strip to alleviate the severity of the humanitarian conditions and alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable groups. Weak people, especially children, who constitute about half of the Gaza Strip’s population, indicating that this comes within the framework of the UAE’s fraternal stances and its firm approach to supporting siblings in times of crisis.

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