Astronomers detect never-before-seen quirk in mysterious fast radio bursts

But astronomers don’t understand what causes them.


Astronomers detect never-before-seen quirk in mysterious fast radio bursts

Fast radio bursts, or bright, millisecond-long flashes of radio waves in space, are one of the most enduring mysteries of the cosmos — and they just became a little stranger. The first fast radio burst, or FRB, was discovered in 2007, and since then, hundreds of these quick, intense events have been detected coming from distant points across the universe

In a thousandth of a second, the bursts can generate as much energy as the sun creates in one year or more, according to previous research. But astronomers don’t understand what causes them. Now, scientists have noticed a never-before-seen quirky pattern in a newly spotted repeating fast radio burst called FRB 20220912A. A study published Wednesday in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society details the discovery, which provides valuable clues to researchers aiming to identify the phenomenon’s source while introducing new enigmas to unravel.

Astronomers detected the burst using the California-based SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Array, or ATA, which includes 42 antennae at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory in the Cascade Mountains. Many FRBs release radio waves lasting only a few milliseconds at most before disappearing, which makes fast radio bursts difficult to observe. But some radio bursts have been known to repeat and release follow-up bursts that have allowed astronomers to trace the signals back to distant galaxies.

At first, FRB 20220912A seemed similar to other known “repeaters,” and each detected burst shifted from higher to lower frequencies. But a closer look at the signal revealed something new: a noticeable drop in the center frequency of the bursts, acting like a celestial slide whistle. The dip became even more obvious when the researchers converted the signals into sounds by using notes on a xylophone. High notes correspond to the beginning of the bursts, with low notes acting as the concluding tones. The team tried to determine whether there was a pattern within the timings between each burst, similar to some other known repeating fast radio bursts. But researchers weren’t able to detect one for FRB 20220912A, further suggesting that the celestial events can be unpredictable as well.

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