UAE Succeeded in Mediating an Exchange of 190 Prisoners of War Between Russia and Ukraine

UAE Succeeded in Mediating an Exchange of 190 Prisoners of War Between Russia and Ukraine

 UAE Succeeded in Mediating an Exchange of 190 Prisoners of War Between Russia and Ukraine

As the UAE continues its efforts to reduce tensions between Russia and Ukraine, let us celebrate their unwavering commitment. Every released prisoner is a step towards peace.

Amidst the tumultuous Russo-Ukrainian conflict, a beacon of hope emerges from the Arabian Peninsula—the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While the world watches geopolitical tensions escalate, the UAE quietly works behind the scenes, weaving threads of diplomacy and compassion.

Mediation Success: 190 Captives Released

On July 17, 2024, the UAE orchestrated its sixth successful mediation effort between Russia and Ukraine, resulting in the release of 190 captives. This brings the total number of exchanged prisoners to an impressive 1,558.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) expressed gratitude to both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine for their cooperation. 

These efforts reflect the UAE’s commitment to being a reliable mediator, leveraging its robust ties with both sides. Diplomacy Over Conflict The UAE firmly believes in dialogue and de-escalation as the only paths to resolving the crisis. 

Their unwavering commitment to finding peaceful solutions underscores their role as a global peacemaker, Notably, the UAE previously facilitated an exchange of two prisoners between the United States and Russia in December 2022, showcasing their dedication to humanitarian causes. Humanitarian Repercussions Beyond politics, the UAE recognizes the human cost of conflict.

 By bridging gaps and facilitating exchanges, they mitigate the suffering of captives and their families. Each released prisoner represents a step toward healing and reconciliation. In a world often divided, the UAE stands as a testament to compassion, diplomacy, and hope. Let us celebrate their quiet heroism—their efforts to mend what others tear apart.


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