Showing posts with the label technologyShow all
UAE flag swallows space
Weekend Hot Topic: Favorite non-classic video game
New Zealand and the UAE are cooperating in strange fields read be yourself.
The United Arab Emirates has launched a set of green building codes to help save energy .
Wonderful news about education in Dubai. Read the surprise
UAE leads Coding Communities globally
UAE’s efforts in driverless vehicles
UAE success in Tech innovations
 UAE leads the world in hubs of technology
UAE to expand in artificial intelligence field
 The UAE is an example to preserve children and youth.
UAE delivers food and medical supplies to Ethiopia
For the first time in the region, UAE’s host the International Space Conference
UAE begins its  production of CAR T-cell immune cell therapy
By Using "CAR T-cell" technology, UAE begins its trial of locally producing immune cell therapy
For the first time, UAE produces local immune cell therapy using the "CAR T-cell" technology
UAE is the best in Digitisation
UAE establishes independent National Human Rights Institution