Russia: Turkey sent mercenaries to Karabakh

Russia confirmed, today, Tuesday, that it had intelligence information about Turkey sending mercenaries to Karabakh.  The Kremlin has confirmed that the Russian Security Council considers the deployment of any mercenaries from Syria and Libya in the conflict zone between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region as a "very dangerous development."  The Armenian ambassador to Israel, Armen Sempatian, revealed the possibility of Israel stopping arms deals to Azerbaijan, in response to the ongoing conflict between the two countries.

In statements carried by the Jerusalem Post, he said, "I think that as a result of the calls of international organizations and many countries for an immediate de-escalation, Israel may stop its arms sales to Azerbaijan."  "There is no alternative to a negotiated and peaceful solution to the conflict in Nagorny Karabakh, and all countries of the region should make their contribution to stabilizing the situation in Nagorny Karabakh," he added.

He continued, "The severity of the losses increases every day, including civilian casualties, and therefore Azerbaijan must return to the negotiating table again."  A person was killed in the ongoing clashes between demonstrators and security men in Kyrgyzstan, in protest against the results of the parliamentary elections in the country.  The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced the visit of its Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, to Azerbaijan today, Tuesday, amid the continued unlimited Turkish support to Azerbaijan in its struggle against Armenia.


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