Dubai leads the world in attracting foreign direct investment projects


 The Emirate of Dubai has maintained its distinguished global performance in attracting foreign direct investment projects after it succeeded in attracting 492 projects during the first six months of 2022, which is the emirate's highest performance for a six-month period at all, and a growth of 80.2% compared to the same period in 2021, according to The latest data issued by the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai.

The emirate ranked first in the world among the list of the most attractive cities for new foreign direct investment projects, during the same period, according to data from "FDI Markets", the most comprehensive database on new foreign investments around the world.

The emirate continued to maintain its regional leadership and climb to third place globally in the classification of job creation from foreign direct investment, after creating 15,164 jobs during the first half of this year, with a growth of 33.5% compared to the same period in 2021, according to the data of the "Financial Times 

Emphasizing the renewed confidence of investors, Dubai ranked fourth globally in the classification of reinvestment projects, in terms of the number of projects, tenth globally in terms of capital flows, and eighth in terms of creating related jobs.

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