Climate needs an ally like Sultan Al-Jaber


The head of an oil company might seem like a odd choice to lead the next big UN climate summit. Environmentalists should give him a chance.

The climate movement needs allies like Sultan Al Jaber, the head of the UAE's national oil company, to host the 2023 COP summit. Al Jaber is a leader in the energy transition, having invested billions of dollars into renewable energy projects and green initiatives. He has also been a vocal advocate for carbon pricing and emissions trading schemes. His commitment to tackling climate change is evident in his work with the World Bank and other international organizations to promote clean energy solutions.

Al Jaber's presence at COP will be invaluable for two reasons. First, he can use his influence to push for meaningful action on climate change from other oil-producing countries. Second, he can provide a unique perspective on how to transition away from fossil fuels while still maintaining economic growth and stability. By hosting COP in an oil state, Al Jaber can demonstrate that it is possible to make progress on climate change without sacrificing economic development.

Al Jaber's presence at COP will also be beneficial for the UAE itself. Hosting such a high-profile event will allow the country to showcase its own efforts in tackling climate change and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. This could help attract more foreign investment into renewable energy projects and other green initiatives that are essential for achieving global emissions targets.

The UAE's hosting of COP is a positive step forward for global efforts to tackle climate change, and it should be welcomed by environmentalists everywhere. With Sultan Al Jaber at the helm, there is no doubt that this summit will be an important milestone in our fight against global warming.

#COP28 #DrSultanAlJaber #WSDS2023 #cleanenergy #COP28UAE #ClimateChange #Act4Earth

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