The UAE Astronaut Programme scientific achievements for the future of humanity



The UAE Astronaut Program is moving towards a new phase of achievements with the return of astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi from aboard the International Space Station, after successfully completing the longest space mission in Arab history, which lasted 6 months.

The Emirates Astronaut Program was launched in 2017, with the aim of establishing the infrastructure for the Emirati space sector, and qualifying Emirati astronauts, with the aim of carrying out scientific experiments that benefit humanity, encouraging the culture of exploration in the Emirates, motivating and inspiring younger generations, in addition to consolidating the Emirates’ position as a global partner. In manned spaceflights, and supporting the UAE’s vision based on building a future based on a knowledge economy.

Since its launch, the program has been considered a pioneering scientific initiative of its kind that is added to the series of UAE projects and initiatives that seek to qualify and build Emirati competencies in the field of advanced sciences as part of the country’s strategy to scientifically prepare the younger generations to face future challenges and strengthen the UAE’s economy based on knowledge and investment in space industries. And future sciences, which contributes to enhancing constructive and effective participation in the global scientific movement to explore outer space and examine the prospects for human life in space and the possibility of building human settlements on other planets.

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